An Excert from: K.C. ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Country News, June 2008 3rd page
"It wasn’t ever a dream. Tom Bredehoft already owned three newspapers and didn’t need more work. In the newspaper world you are basically married to your business, and clearly owning a restaurant is no different. But Flagler was without a restaurant at the time, and as the old adage goes, “If you want something done, find the busiest guy around and ask him. It will get done.”
Jean Bredehoft went to work, showing Tom how to work on the Internet to look for new and used diners. In Tom’s search, he found a perfect fit — a 150-seat, 1998, neon-lighted Starlite Diner — at a reasonable price, vacated, torn apart and sitting in six pieces in a storage unit in Fargo, North Dakota.
With a $500 dollar promissory check in hand Tom set out to get the diner. Although Tom was first in line to buy the diner, he didn’t have a place to actually put it. He wanted to put the diner on property that was readily visible from Interstate 70 and had Easy-Off / Easy-On access. He wanted to buy the property known throughout eastern Colorado as Moss’s Corner, which used to have a Standard gas station, a Dairy King and a liquor store. D.C. Moss, his wife, Carol, and his mom, Helen Moss, the owners of the property and land, were cooperative, and a deal was done. Two buildings needed to be torn down to make room for the diner and its parking lot. It began in early May of 2007 and in less than two months, the I-70 Diner opened on July 4, 2007, to more than 600 customers on its opening day.
Extract from the Travel Blog of the Scarfed Traveler.........."The interior was wonderful, decked out in 50s diner kitsch, neon lights and cow-spotted swivel chairs. In addition, the food is wonderful! This diner comes with friendly service, delicious food, a bubble gum pink corvette out front, and this ridiculous but wonderfully 50s bathroom sign"."